I couldn’t be happier, waking up and finding a message that I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thanks to a dear fellow blogger Keith from On My Mind Today. I appreciate your trust in my content. Check out his blog, where he’s sharing views on important topics and issues these days! Thank you, Keith, and best of luck blogging!
So, what is this Blogger Recognition Award? The Blogger Recognition Award exists for more than 6 years already. It is a great way to recognize the writers and content creators, their efforts that are put into blogging each and every day. And personally show your favorite bloggers how you admire their creativity and work.

What Are The Rules Of The Blogger Recognition Award?
As the award is constantly traveling around the world and reaching more and more bloggers, there are some ground rules needed to stick with.
- Display the logo of the blogger recognition award.
- Thank the blogger that nominated you.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Explain how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select other bloggers for the award and let them know.
The short history of Postcard Stories Blog
I had always fancied creative writing and photography Therefore, by adding one more hobby of mine – travel, everything just went into the right places. I have been constantly traveling since 2010. But, after one quite extensive and adventurous trip to Greece in 2017, I decided that it’s time to put my stories on paper. Well, not on paper literally, to my hard drive, at least. And, at the end of the 2017 Postcard Stories Blog launched and is celebrating 3-year birthday .
My advice to new bloggers
First thing, there is a place for everyone in the blogging world. Even if you think that some niches of blogging are already full, it’s not true. Coming with your unique topic, unique writing style, and unique approach, you will find a place and audience. Just don’t lose this unique feature, nevertheless the temptation. I.e. I’m also sometimes on the edge of writing a “top 10 places to visit…” kind of post because it’s so SEO friendly. But my feature is to write stories only about my personal experience and use only my personally taken photos.
The second thing, be consistent in posting content. There will be days, sometimes even weeks and months, when you will be not in the “writing mood”. And It’s fine, all of us have them from time to time. Try to have some content and social media posts written in advance. And every time when you feel that your muse comes, try to use it to the fullest.
Nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award
And here are the exciting blogs that I continue to enjoy the most and nominate for this award:
- Travelmvmt
- The Pedal Project
- A Couple Days Travel
- Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
- Aimsy’s Antics
- The Unpredicted Page
- Adventure Fit For Life
- Virevolte
- Lisa’s Notebook
- Travelling Hummingbirds
- In the World’s Jungle
- Aisle Seat Anywhere
- The Kelly Diane Report
- I’m All Booked Up
- Away With Katie
Questions to my fellow nominees bloggers
Since we are almost on the edge of New Year, my questions will be about this short past and future period. Be honest, friends.
- What did you understand about yourself in 2020?
- Were there major change(s) that you had to adopt recently?
- What do you expect to achieve in 2021?

Once again, huge thanks for my fellow blogger Keith from On My Mind Today! Everybody, stay safe, healthy and continue writing your most amazing content.
Best wishes from your Postcard Stories Blog!
Thank you so much!
Congrats! I’ve been on your blog a few times and the award is well-deserved. Keep up the great work!
Thank you! Your words really mean a lot to me!
The personal touch is always the best way! And we agree wholeheartedly – there is space for everyone. Take your time, find your voice and speak from the heart. x